This is me, at 34 weeks. I'm currently on my 35th week of pregnancy. Two more weeks to go, and my baby is full-term (all cooked up and ready to be born) yahooo!
From the beginning of this pregnancy, I found myself always looking at the growth of my baby each week. The hands, fingers, brain development, bone growth etc. Now nearing the end, as the baby's development is less intense, I find myself looking at other landmarks along the pregnancy. Some things that crossed my mind is the survival rate born between 25 to 35 weeks.
I am excited for week 36 to roll around because that would mean I would be able to have my baby then. Am I ready to give birth?? Maybe, maybe not. Considering that I still got lots of things to prepare. But you know what? 9 months is a good amount of time to prepare. To contemplate, to grow, and to learn about babies - to explore parental options as well as personal education and career options. Of course, you can never fully plan for anything - you need to go and adapt to whatever comes your way, but its good to figure out something ahead of time, to visualize what it is that you really want and therefore strive for it.
For the months that I have been pregnant, I have grown to be fascinated with so many things about baby-stuff and motherhood. Did I ever thing that I would be like this 5 years ago?? Babies and all?? No way!
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