Saturday, June 7, 2008

Massive Nesting

I'm having our home prepared for baby M, my little room that's been empty for the past five years and was a college dormitory for the past four years will be turned into a sweet little nursery. And my poor mom, who has basically invaded my room, or so I say turned my room into a walk-in closet has to do all the packing and hauling. This is what it takes for two packrat women to make room for one tiny baby:

  1. Repaint and repair. While my room is an all closet, all bookshelves, I decided to give my room a space by removing my built-in cabinets and drawers. I will need to have rotten corners renewed, give the room new color, and have all my trophies, posters and books removed.
  2. My brother's huge room will be a temporary extension to store all my things that I've been keeping. I have already bought some boxes and lots of tape, to pack up all our slightly nicer crap. I have my borrowed space cleaned borrowed space and then neatly filled up with stuff I don't even really want to begin with.
  3. Everything Must Go. I should have had a garage sale but I have no time to do so. Instead, I gave all the stuff to my cousins and long distance relatives for free. Never mind the making money part, it's the getting rid of accumulated crap over 20 insane years that was priority. Away with my cassette tape collections, of dangling earrings (seriously, I can't believe I spent all that money on the tackiest accessories), magazines, CDs, DVDs, books and notebooks (I can't believe my Mother still have those stuff in my room) and mountains of bad trendy clothes, blue jeans, high heels, and cheap purses half-eaten by ants. I'm just too obsessed right now of getting rid of everything! I gave away pretty much all my clothes and shoes, and am now left with nothing but my maternity dresses and just three flat sandals. For some reason, I have no desire to wear any of my old clothes or shoes again.
  4. Clean and Sanitation. Poor 17yr old dogie of ours, we have to get rid of him too. He's not safe anymore, I mean he is to old to be staying with us, with a little baby inside the house. All the diseases and bacteria that he can spread, he just have to go. Then I also get rid of our fish pond. Stagnant water is home to mosquitos and I cannot just accept that. I'm no animal lover, so I think I'm being cruel to them right now. But what can I do?? A tiny vulnerable little baby will make this his home for the next 8 months and everything has to be clean and safe for him.

The stress is enormous!! I'm not even half-way through with all the preparations. Urrrggghhh... I'm still waiting for a helper to come. We've got lots of things to do! I hope she really arrives this week, so we can finish the rest of the stuff.

Next week, beginning of room improvement. Wish me luck!

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