It's my 13th week of pregnancy and end of my first trimester! Yahooo! My belly is not that big yet, but I wish it'll grow bigger because it just looks like a "puson" as of the moment.
My baby's development:
1. My angel starts to inhale and exhale inside my womb.
2. Hands are becoming more functional. Baby is starting to play with those little fingers.
3. The genitals begin to take on the proper gender characteristics. (I wonder if angel is a boy or a girl?? Still can't be seen on the ultrasound though).
4. Heard my baby's heartbeat for the first time! That was the most beautiful sound I've ever heard.
What have I been feeling so far:
- Fetal movements!!! Hahahaha... the best. I love it when baby moves.
- Frequent headaches
- Trouble sleeping (I've been thinking too much lately, and there's that frequent visit on the bathroom).
- Growing hip line. My pants won't fit anymore so I starting buying some preggy dress. Actually they're not pregnancy dresses hahaha.
- Occasional vomiting, due to fatigue. This is the reason why I haven't gain enough weight despite my increase in appetite.
- Cravings for food. I crave for mango.. mango fruit, mango shake, mango juice.
- Increase in appetite. This morning I had 1 longanisa rice, one hashbrown, one sausage mcmuffin... then after 30mins, I threw it all!